SEATTLE – March 24, 2011– Travel 4 Real CEO, Deborah de Maio joined a small group of select women small business owners as they talked with United States Senator Patty Murray concerning increasing access to the marketplace for women and minority owned businesses.
The U.S. House of Representatives voted in 2010 to pass legislation to boost lending for and provide targeted tax relief to small businesses. The legislation addresses the needs of small businesses with the Small Business Lending Fund Act and the Small Business Jobs Tax Relief Act.
These two bills, which are fully paid for, will now move together as one for consideration by the U.S. Senate.
“One issue in the past has been that large banks are only lending to larger businesses or ‘sure bets’ and are not looking at established small, women and minority owned businesses that have been impacted and need the funding,” explained de Maio.
“I have pressed the Small Business Administration to further its professional contacts with women and minority owned businesses, and I will continue to push the SBA to follow through on directives from Congress to help women and minority business owners have a fair shot at receiving government contracts,” said U.S. Senator Patty Murray recently.
The Small Business Lending Fund Act that was passed by President Obama in September, 2010 will increase lending to small businesses by creating a small business loan fund designed to boost lending to small businesses by providing additional capital to community banks with a requirement that the money be lent out and a penalty provision on those banks that do not make the loans. The fund will save taxpayers $1 billion over the next 10 years.
Travel 4 Real was awarded the Top 50 Diversity Owned Businesses in Washington in 2011 and the 2010 and 2011 Top 50 Woman Owned Businesses in Washington State by DiversityBusiness.com.
Business owners can access information on the program by visiting: http://www.sba.gov/ and Murray’s website, http://murray.senate.gov/public/
About Travel 4 Real
Mother and son team, Deborah de Maio and Rem Malloy, launched Travel 4 Real in 1995 because they saw a need for a boutique tour operator that understood the hesitations and concerns of travelers going abroad. With extensive on-the-ground knowledge and understanding of culture differences, Travel 4 Real specializes in creating trips from beginning to end sending travelers on their way with the confidence and resources they need to travel solo. For more information, please call (425) 355-3711 or go to www.travel4real.com www.italy4real.com
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